ISSN: 2074-8132
Introduction. Morphofunctional (MF) status of school children of Nizhny Novgorod region is analysed in connection with the degree of urbanization and the level of anthropogenic pressure in contrastive ecological clusters with satisfactory (1), comparatively tense (2), tense (3) and critical ecological situation.
Material and methods. Over 5 thousand of school children aged 7–17 years, examined in 2010–12, are under discussion. The program includes height, weight, BMI, chest girth, lung vital capacity (VC), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, somatotype according to Shtefko-Ostrovskiy method. Each cluster is characterized by absolute and standardized values of MF indices; significance of differences between means of parameters with continuous variability for separate ecological groups is estimated by using of analysis of variance and Scheffe-tests. Frequency of somatotypes (%) is calculated for each ecological group, Pearson's chi-square criterion is used. Comparative estimation of total somatic dimensions of rural and urban (literary data) children is held.
Results. The accelerating influence of modern level of anthropogenic stress (clusters 2 and 3) on indices of transversal body development (weight, BMI, chest girth) and VC of prepubertal (9 years) children irrespective of sex is shown. Decelerating influence of critical stress level (cluster 4) on indices of transversal body development of pubertal children aged 13 years is revealed. No significant differences in frequency of somatotypes in contrastive ecological clusters are fixed. Some gracilization of urban prepubertal boys compared to rural boys is shown. Some macrosomization (height and weight) of urban girls aged 7–13 years combined with modest decrease of chest girth as compared to rural girls is fixed. Up to 16–17 years all described differences are obviously smoothed.
Conclusion. The effect of anthropoecological correlations depends on the level of anthropogenic stress, sex and age of examined population and the system of MF indices. Height in our case is less sensitive to the increase of the level of anthropogenic stress. Ecosensitivity of girls is presumably less than boys. © 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Introduction. The goal of study – quantitative conformities of intergroup variability of the level of sexual dimorphism (SD) of somatic traits of children of early and first childhood in connection with ecological factors – the degree of urbanization and the geographic latitude of the residence place of population.
Material and methods. The analysis embraces the wide specter of ethno-territorial samples of 3-year-old and 6-year-old children from Russia and former USSR of the second part of XX century (literary data). Each sample has minimal necessary number of statistical characteristics: number of sex/age groups, means and standard deviations for height, weight, chest girth. The quantitative estimation of SD level is performed using Kullback divergence, the analogue of Makhalanobis distance. To estimate the direction and the level of associations of SD of anthropometric traits and ecological parameters the classic correlation analysis for pair combinations of indices in age groups of 3- and 6-year-old children was used.
Results. For the compact block of Slavonic samples, examined in 1960s–1970s, the increase of the level of the quantity of population of the residence place is associated with significant decrease of SD of height and SD of weight. The same association for 3-year-old children has the character of tendency, but the same vector of dynamics. SD of chest girth has some small negative significant correlations with the latitude for 3-year-old children and close to significant level for 6-year-old children. The estimation of comparable dynamics of SD of somatic traits in pairs of rural and urban samples of the same region revealed less meanings of SD of height and weight of urban children, that is higher synchrony of growth processes of sexes through the increase of the level of urbanization.
Conclusion. The decrease of SD of height/weight parameters and greater sex synchrony of growth dynamics apart with increase of the level of urbanization of the residence place may be the result of better quality of the urban environment (medicine service, nutrition quality, social family status). The decrease of the level of SD of chest girth apart with the increase of the values of geographic latitude witness to the greater sex uniformity of adaptive reactions to the more extremal climatic conditions. © 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Introduction. The goal of study is description of secular dynamics of sexual dimorphism (SD) of main somatic dimensions of children of early and first childhood and its quantitative estimation.
Material and methods. The main source of material – books on physical development of children and adolescents of cities of Russia and former USSR, collected and treated according to the common methodical standards of Science Research Institute of Child Hygiene and thus completely comparable. Analysis of material was held in two variants – meta-analysis based on the whole pool of samples and description of the local patterns of secular SD dynamics in connection with the level of anthropogenic pressure of the residence place and ethnicity of samples. The estimation of the vector and level of associations of SD of anthropometric traits and secular factor was held using correlation analysis. The quantitative estimation of SD value was held using Kullback divergence, analogue of Mahalanobis distance.
Results. Meta-analysis revealed average temporal stability of somatic SD through the early and first childhood Analysis of SD dynamics of Moscow children revealed some decrease of SD levels in 1970s, in other words temporal macrosomization of Moscow girls as compared to boys. The level of urbanization results in greater macrosomization of boys as compared to girls in environments with higher level of anthropogenic pressure – city with 1 million population quantity compared to the small town with stable quantity of population about 40 000. Ethnic specificity of the vector and velocity of secular SD dynamics is illustrated with the model of Russian and Tatar children of Kazan and Russian and Chuvash children of Cheboksary.
Conclusion. The results of study support the fact that higher ecosensitivity to the secular factor is not the prerogative of male sex only; early and first childhood do not give examples of systematic effect of higher ecosensitivity of boys compared to girls of their ethnoterritorial groups to the temporal factor. SD of body dimensions is the autonomic marker of the microevolutionary somatic dynamics through the early and first childhood. The most informative quantitative indicator of intergroup specificity of secular processes is SD of height. © 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. The significance of peak height velocity (PHV) in screening studies of children and adolescents as the biomarker of the chronobiological status of the population is in the focus of the study.
Material and methods. The analysis embraces a significant specter of samples (N=37, literary data), including different ethnoterritorial groups of Russia and former USSR, examined through the vast historical period of second half of XX century – beginning of the XXI century. The analysis of interpopulation variability of the parameter of peak height velocity of growth changes of the average level of height through the adolescence is under discussion – its absolute value (MPHV, cm) and chronological age (APHV, years); intragroup sexual differences of these characteristics are under consideration as well.
Results. Dynamic curves of height increase for urban samples from USSR territory, both native populations and Russian, have dome-shaped form, monotonous height increase/gain velocities up to the peak, slump further on. Traditional Mongolian groups and rural Abkhazian show the dynamic curve with descending wavy form. Histograms of intergroup distribution of the parameter APHV both for boys and girls differ from normal Gaussian distribution and gravitate towards double-peak form. Population values of APHV for boys are two and a half years later as compared to girls; MPHV is a more solid parameter, sex differences here are 0.41 cm with boys’ advantage. Factor analysis revealed definite autonomy of the process of pubertal spurt for male and female adolescents: the first factor describes growth activity of boys, the second — of girls (35% and 30% of the total variability of parameters correspondingly).
Conclusion. The results allowed to conclude, that the variability of the parameter points to the significant social/anthropogenic base of chronobiological status of the population and independent growth strategies of male and female sexes, which suggests to interpret PHV as the valid and perspective biomarker in population growth studies.
© 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. The goal of study is the estimation of «peak height velocity» (PHV) as the marker of secular trends in addition to secular dynamics of height (H).
Material and methods. The study embraces the block of samples of scholars (6/7–17 years) from Russia and former USSR, examined through the vast historical period from 1920th till nowadays, literary data and personal archives of the authors. The main attention is paid to three urban agglomerations – Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod, Minsk. The following number of parameters is determined for each sample: the age of maximal velocity of growth dynamics of average levels of H during adolescence (APHV), determined according to the empirical patterns of annual changes of average H levels and consequent smoothing by least square method – differentially for boys and girls; and delta between parameters of boys and girls; maximal quantitative level of growth changes in cm (IPHV), different for boys and girls as well, and delta between the parameters.
Results. The difference of APHV between boys and girls for each population under study is about two years – boys have delayed PHV as compared to girls in any ecological niche. Secular dynamics of APHV has nonlinear character, doesn’t decrease progressively through the whole historical interval from 1920th to 2000th, despite of permanent increase of the level of anthropogenic stress in cities under analysis, the lowest APHV is fixed in 1980th. Correlations of APHV with absolute annual H values through the age interval 6/7–17 years is systematic and high enough for boys (correlation about 0,5, determination coefficient about 0,25) and accidental for girls, being revealed for only one annual age group among 12 analyzed. Correlations of IPHV with absolute values of H are maximal at 7 years and minimal at 17 years, the level of correlations is less for girls as compared to boys.
Conclusion. PHV really marks the secular somatic dynamics along with H itself as genetic marker. Correlation of APHV with absolute annual levels of H through the interval 6/7–17 years is systematic and significant for boys and accidental for girls, which witness to genetic determination of growth tempo of boys. Correlation of IPHV with absolute values of H, having highest levels at 7 years, points to the fact that height at 7 years is a real trigger of PHV parameters.
© 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. The goal of study is description of secular dynamics of sex dimorphism (SD) of height, weight, chest girth of children aged 9 years and teenagers 13 years old from Russia and neighboring countries through 1920–2010.
Materials and methods. The main source of data — materials of books on physical development of children and adolescents from cities and rural regions of Russia and USSR, collected and processed according to the universal methodical standards of Research Institute of Hygiene of children and adolescents. The quantitative estimation of SD value was held using Kullback divergence. One-year age groups, contrastive in biological essence, are under discussion. The estimation of the vector and level of associations of SD of anthropometric traits and secular factor was held using correlation analysis. The analysis of local patterns of secular SD dynamics of separate traits was carried out.
Results. Secular variability of height and weight SD of 9-year-old children is not significant. While secular dynamics of three body dimensions of 13-year-old teenagers is significant, the highest determination coefficient is fixed for weight. For Moscow samples the decrease of height and weight SD is fixed through the historic interval 1960s – 70s with the following recovery up to the level of 1920s in 2000s. Temporal dynamics of SD of 9-year-old children of St. Petersburg through the interval 1960s – 2000s consists of macrosomization of girls; the tendency for 13-year-old teenagers is opposite. Temporal dynamics of somatic SD of 9-year-old Russian children of Kazan reveals stability through the interval 1960th-1990th; for 13-year-old teenagers’ parameters of transversal body development demonstrate secular stability, as to height – boys compensate their lag compared to girls. For Kirovsk city (Murmansk region) through the interval 1950s – 1970s temporal fluctuations of height and weight SD of 9-year-old children are less than 0,2 standard deviations; height and weight SD of 13-year-old teenagers reveal temporal increase (0,4–0,6 standard deviations).
Conclusion. The results confirm the importance of somatic SD as the criterion of secular dynamics for 13-year-old teenagers and witness, as a whole, to the temporal stability of SD during second childhood (9 years). Local differences do not contribute significantly to the intensity of secular dynamics of SD. The process of secular macrosomization of one sex as compared to the other is not the exclusive prerogative of boys and male teenagers. © 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. In families with such a child his/her siblings often live, whose development will be affected by the current stressful situation for all family members. Siblings of cancer patients appear to be a psychological vulnerable group, as they have low self-esteem, fear of death and loneliness, anxiety, anger.
The study aimed to assess the level of physical development (PD) of children, treated for brain tumors, and siblings of childhood cancer survivors, in relation to stressful circumstances of living in a family with an oncological relative.
Material and methods. The study involved children aged 6 to 17 years who had completed treatment for a brain tumor (BT), as well as siblings of children with various cancer types. We measured 27 boys and 36 girls with BT, the sample of siblings included 26 boys and 31 girls. To assess the compliance of the level of PD of children of both groups with age standards, for each child of a given gender and age a centile corridor was determined by body length (BL) and BMI, and individual values of signs were ranked in Z-points, using WHO standards. A detailed questionnaire was conducted to assess some characteristics of a child's family environment. Statistics analysis was performed with Statistica 12 software package.
Results. For a group of children with BT, a significant shift in the distribution of PD scores along body length and BMI towards low values was found, for a group of siblings, the opposite picture was obtained – the distribution of body length and BMI scores shifted to the higher values. It has been shown that higher developmental scores in body length are significantly more common in children who are older siblings in relation to patients with BT.
Conclusion. Thus, brain tumor treatment affects not only the physical development of a child, but is a factor contributing to the growth processes of the body of siblings of children with BT. Siblings of cancer patients represent a special group of children, which indicates the need to take into account the special needs of all their family members in the process of treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the incorrectness of using siblings as a control group in scientific research. © 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. Analysis of correlations of sexual somatic dimorphism (SD) with the degree of urbanization (quantity of population) and geographic latitude of the residence place is carried out using the material of monitoring of Russian children and adolescents.
Material and methods. The study embraces the wide specter of ethno-territorial samples of children and adolescents from Russia and neighboring countries (literary data), examined through the historic interval 1930-2010 years. To estimate the direction and degree of associations of anthropometric traits (height, weight, chest girth) and ecological factors the classic correlation analysis for pairwise combinations of variables was implemented for age groups of 9-year-old children and 13-year-old adolescents. The quantitative estimation of SD was carried out using Kullback divergence, the analogue of Makhalanobis distance.
Results. Significant correlations of SD of height with both ecological factors for 13-year-old adolescents and SD of weight for 9-year-old children with the quantity of population were fixed on base of the whole data massive. The more homogeneous data base (only Slavonic groups examined in 1960s-1970s) shows significant correlations of latitude with SD of height for 13-year-old adolescents only in combination with the quantity of population of the residence place up to 500 thousands of people; and latitude with SD of weight for 9-year-old children only for million-plus cities. Significant correlations of quantity of population were fixed for SD of height of 13-year-old adolescents in more southern ranges of latitude (37-50degrees), for SD of weight for 9-year-old children in more northern ranges of latitude (50 degrees and more).
Conclusion. The study shows complex superposition of ecological factors, which influence somatic variability of children through growth process. High degree of urbanization conceal anthropoecological correlations SD-latitude for ecosensitive age 13 years, but reveal them for “neutral” age, 9 years, with the opposite vector. The most southern range of latitudes (about 40 degrees) reveal positive associations of SD with the degree of urbanization for 13-year-olds, which are not fixed in more northern latitudes. More frequent anthropoecological correlations of SD of height, as genetic marker, of 13-year-olds, and SD of weight as the marker of nutrition status and life style of 9-year-olds reflect the physiological essence of age periods - increase of intersex differences for adolescents and decrease of intersex differences for second childhood children. © 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. The formation of the vector and level of sex somatic differences in parapubertal period (9–17 years) is under discussion, apart with ethnic peculiarities of dynamics of sexual dimorphism of main anthropometric dimensions.
Material and methods. The construction of intergroup distribution of standardized values of sexual dimorphism of body dimensions in 9, 13 and 17 years demanded generalization of the wide spectrum of literary data on children of Russia and former USSR of 1950–2010 (over 500 samples). The quantitative estimation of SD value is based on Kullback divergence, analogue of Makhalanobis distance. To estimate the contribution of ethnic factor to the variation of SD, several pairs of samples of different ethnicity (aboriginal and Russian population), but from one and the same ecological niche, examined simultaneously, were compared.
Results. The significant influence of age factor on intergroup distribution of SD was fixed. Significant positive correlations of SD with the values of dimensions themselves for boys aged 13 and 17 years first of all (0,48–0,63 for height/weight dimensions) and negative or close to zero correlations for girls were revealed. The dynamics of somatic SD through the age interval 9–17 years for pairs of samples Estonians-Russians, Kyrgyz-Russians, Tatars-Russians, Uzbeks-Russians is, as a whole, invariant, concerning ethnicity of samples, and witness to the dominance of age physiological peculiarities over ethnic.
Conclusion. Variability of somatic SD through parapubertal age period has more or less Gaussian distribution form as well as anthropometric dimensions themselves. Significant correlations of standardized levels of SD of dimensions with the mean sample values of dimensions have different directions for boys and girls – positive in the first case, negative or close to zero in the second case, which corresponds to the same conformity of adults and may be interpreted as the confirmation of the contribution of somatic variability of male sex to formation of sex differences. Local comparisons of the compact number of ethnic groups from one and the same ecological niche didn’t reveal intergroup specificity of growth dynamics in connection with ethnic factor, which is defined by high growth rates in parapubertal period and domination of overethnic species conformities over local ethnic peculiarities. © 2025. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license