ISSN: 2074-8132
ISSN: 2074-8132
En Ru
Author guidelines

Author guidelines

“Lomonosov Journal of Anthropology (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia, Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin)” is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 2008. The journal publishes original articles of a theoretical and research nature with an emphasis on covering various problems of anthropology (biological anthropology; human populations; auxology; human morphology; human evolution; paleoanthropology; anthropogenetics) and related interdisciplinary research. Anthropology is an interdisciplinary science therefore the journal publishes scientific articles that are combined in Russian science into the following groups of specialties: general biology and physiology in biological sciences, historical sciences and archaeology.

In the first place, the journal provides opportunities for the publication of unique data reflecting the regional patterns of the somatic development in Russian population of different age categories, the results of screening of urban and rural groups, modern indigenous and migrant populations living in various environmental conditions. This is important for further studies on adaptability of Russian population to the current environment. Due to its particular interests, the journal takes some special place among other Russian scientific periodicals.

The journal also provides an opportunity for professional communication to a wide range of specialists whose works cover a range of related problems. The main content of the publication consists of original scientific articles, scientific reviews, article reviews, as well as a chronicle of scientific life, information about conferences, symposiums and seminars, criticism and bibliography.

From the moment of publication of the new version of the requirements, the previous Ones lose their force.

Articles that are not formatted according to the rules published below will be returned to the author without consideration by the reviewers and the editorial board.

Ethical standards of the publication process

The publication process includes several stages, each of which plays an important role. Accordingly, the author of the publication, the editor of the journal, the reviewer, the publisher and other possible participants in the publication process are obliged to comply with ethical standards at all stages of publication, starting from the submission of the article and ending with its publication in the journal.

1. Editorial policy of the journal

1.1. The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of Russian scientific periodicals, supports the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications formulated by the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications (Russia, Moscow) and is based on the ethical standards of editors and publishers, enshrined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for the editor of the journal and the Code of Conduct for the Journal Publisher, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and also follows the Guidelines on the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) of the Elsevier Publishers.

1.2. The editorial board is responsible for deciding which of the submitted manuscripts will be accepted for publication. The editorial board makes a decision on publication, guided by the policy of the journal, taking into account the current legislation in the field of copyright, avoiding libel, plagiarism and abuse of official position. The editorial evaluation of the manuscript does not depend on the race, ethnicity and gender, religious beliefs, citizenship or political beliefs of the authors. The decision to publish an article is made solely on the basis of its scientific significance, originality, clarity of presentation and compliance of the research topic with the direction of the journal, guided by the principles of scientific, objectivity, professionalism and impartiality. The editorial board works conscientiously with the texts of articles, preventing the appearance of unscrupulous scientific publications containing plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data on the pages of its publications.

1.3. All editorial staff is responsible for disclosing any information about the received manuscript to third parties who are not among the authors, reviewers, potential reviewers and publishers.

1.4. Unpublished materials disclosed in the manuscript submitted by the authors cannot be used by editorial staff for the purposes of their own scientific research.

1.5. Interaction with authors is based on the principles of fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency.

1.6. When submitting an ethical complaint or identifying a conflict situation regarding a submitted manuscript or published article, the editorial board should take reasonable retaliatory measures to restore violated rights, and if errors are found, promote the publication of corrections or refutations. Every report of unethical behavior will be reviewed, even if it was received years after the publication of the article.

1.7. All articles submitted to the editorial office are subject to a thorough review.

1.8. The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes to the text that do not distort the meaning of the article.

1.9. The editorial office communicates with the authors of articles through the author responsible for correspondence with the editorial office.

1.10. The editorial board does not enter into negotiations with the author about negative reviews or rejection of articles.

1.11. The editorial board does not assume obligations on the terms of publication of the received manuscripts.

1.12. The original reviews are subject to storage in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years from the date of publication.

1.13. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned. Manuscripts that have received a negative review from the reviewer are not published and are also not returned to the author.

1.14. Since 2023 In accordance with the rules of the Open Access license (Creative Common CC BY 4.0 license) of the journal, authors have the right to send the final published version of their article to institutional and/or centralized archives immediately after its publication, provided that the journal and publisher are indicated as the original place of publication and the conditions for correct citation are met. Authors are also encouraged to provide the e-mail addresses of published articles along with the PDF version.

1.15. The journal does not charge any fees for publishing an article (APCs) and does not work with any types of advertisement as well.

1.16. Average number of weeks between article submission & publication is about 12 weeks.

1.17. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

2. Review process

2.1. The review process is designed to assist the editorial board in making editorial decisions, and can also help the author to improve the submitted manuscript.

2.2. All manuscripts published in the "Lomonosov Journal of Anthropology", undergo mandatory peer review by 2 independent experts (two-way blind peer review, in which the reviewers do not know who the author of the article is, the author of the article does not know who the reviewers are). All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have had publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 5 years. Two-way blind peer review (the reviewers do not know who the author of the article is, the author of the article does not know  who the reviewers are) is used. 

2.3. The standard review period is 40 days from the moment the manuscript is assigned to the reviewer. The total review period, taking into account the "minimal" revision and re-review, is 45-50 days. The total review period, taking into account the "significant" revision and re-review, is 50-60 days.

2.4. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.

3. Authors’ responsibility

3.1. All persons indicated as authors must approve the final version of the manuscript, as well as its submission to the journal for publication. The consent of all authors to the publication is mandatory. For this, all authors must sign a cover letter in which, in addition to personal information, they indicate information about the presence of financial or any other significant conflicts of interest that may be regarded as having influenced the results of the study or their interpretation. All sources of financing of the described work must be indicated.

3.2. The publication of information about the authors provided by them for publication in the journal is carried out in the interests of the authors in order to fully and correctly record publications and cite them by the relevant bibliographic organizations, as well as to ensure the possibility of authors' contacts with the scientific community.

3.3. Based on the results of the review, the article can be sent to the author for revision. Authors should take an active part in the review process, answering questions in a timely manner and, if necessary, making corrections to the manuscript in accordance with the requirements of the reviewer.

4. General requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication

4.1. All articles submitted to the editorial office must be original materials and can be submitted only in Russian or only in English. The editors do not accept articles that are being prepared for publication or have already been published elsewhere.

4.2. The author(s) of the manuscript guarantee(s) that no copyright laws or other legislative norms were violated, take(s) responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the information in the article, confirm(s) that the research was carried out taking into account the requirements of bioethics, and it’s reflected in the text of the article.

4.3. The article should be submitted to the editorial office with a cover letter in which the author/authors provide information about the authors (4.3.1), which field of research the article belongs to (4.3.3), that the material has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication to another publication. After the paper version of the journal is published, the author receives an electronic version of the published article.

4.3.1. In the section of information about authors, the following should be indicated (for each author): surname, first name, patronymic, academic title, academic degree, position and full official names of institutions and their divisions in which the author works, and full postal addresses of institutions with indexes, e-mail address.

All information for each author should be provided in Russian and English. If necessary, for the English spelling of the author's surname, it is recommended to use transliteration according to the BSI (British Standards Institution) system. In relation to the organization(s), it is necessary that the officially accepted English version of the name be indicated. For the correctness of the information provided, the authors are recommended to check the English spelling of the name of the institution on the website

4.3.2. The cover letter must have the personal signatures of all the authors. In accordance with the personal signature, each author legally confirms his personal consent, and in case of publication of the article, also personal consent to the publication of the article and online information about the author in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library of the Russian Federation and/or online publication on the journal's website. The page with the authors' personal signatures can be presented as a scanned copy in *.pdf format or in any separate graphic file.

4.3.3. Fields of research on which articles are published: general issues, morphological anthropology, physiological anthropology, anthropogenesis, anthropogenetics, population anthropology, historical anthropology, anthropology of sport, related fields (specify the chosen field of research in the cover letter).

4.4. Articles should be written in a good literary language without spelling and stylistic errors, carefully edited, match the scientific style and scientific terminology, and do not require additional editing (or need minimal editing). All technical terms, including those in Latin, must be in strict accordance with international biomedical science terminology standards. Anthropometric terms must correspond to the terminology adopted at the Research Institute of Anthropology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University [Bunak, 1941]. It is also possible to use terms following the International Biological Program [Weiner, Lourie, 1969]).

4.5. The article and additional documents should be sent to the editorial office only in the form of electronic files on the journal's website or to the editorial office's email address:

4.5.1. All files sent must be archived into a single file (*.rar), which will contain the following files with the names:

4.5.2. A file containing a cover letter with information about the author(s) and the signature(s) of the author(s), with the corresponding file name including the author's surname, for example, Petrov_Author_Inform.pdf or Petrov_i_Soavt_Inform.pdf.

4.5.3. A file that contains the main text of the article, with the corresponding file name, including the author's surname, namely: Petrov_text.doc или Petrov_i_soavt_text.doc.

4.5.4. The file(s) containing the tables should be named, Petrov_Tabl_1.doc, Petrov_Tabl_2.doc, etc.

4.5.5. The file(s) containing the figures should be named, for example, Petrov_Ris_1.tif, Petrov_Ris_2. tif or Petrov_Ris_A. tif, Petrov_Ris_B. tif etc.

5. Components of articles published in the scientific journal "Lomonosov Journal of Anthropology"

5.1. The manuscripts are considered with a total volume 

of no more than 1 printed sheet (40 thousand characters with spaces, including tables, references and all other components of the article. For information: 1 printed page of the main text of the article (2 columns of text) without drawings and graphs includes about 4850 characters with spaces. Accordingly, a table (or figure) occupying 1 printed page (with a title and notes) is equated to 4850 characters with spaces).

5.2. The design of the text of the article

5.2.1. The article (main text) for publication can be submitted either in Russian or in English. The text is typed in MS Word (*doc or *docx) using Times New Roman font, 12 font size; 1.5 line spacing; margins: left - 3 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, right - 1.5 cm; paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm; justified alignment.

5.2.2. The text is typed without additional formatting and word wrapping.

5.2.3. The entire text has paragraph indentation and is aligned to the width of the page. Paragraph indentation is set to the Format-Paragraph-Left Line-Indentation.

5.2.4. Paragraphs (paragraphs) of the text are not separated from each other. The headings of sections and subsections are separated by an empty line.

5.2.5. The text should not be printed in capital letters, there is no need to use tab marks.

5.2.6. Underscores are not used in the text (mixed with hyperlinks). Instead of underscores, use italics (preferably) or bold (minimal).

5.2.7. No more than one space between words is used. All extra spaces should be removed from the text. To remove extra spaces, use the "Find – Replace" option in Word.

5.2.8. Mathematical and other formulas should be typed in Symbol font.

5.2.9. In the text and tables, the most common statistical parameters are indicated as follows:

N is the size of the sample, the surveyed group;

M – arithmetic mean;

±m – error of the arithmetic mean;

SD – standard deviation;

V – coefficient of variation;

Min – the minimum value of the feature;

Max – the maximum value of the feature;

P – level of statistical confidence;

% – percentage.

5.3. The article should contain the following mandatory components: 

the title of the article, summary, keywords, main text (with sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (and/or Conclusions)), Acknowledgements, Bibliography, List of signatures and notes (designations), Information about the authors.

5.3.1. Title of the article: surnames, first names, (patronymics) of the author(s) in full, the title of the article, the name of the institution, the postal address of the institution (all elements must be presented in two languages – Russian and English)

Example 1. Authors from the same institution:

Fedotova T.K., Gorbacheva A.K.

Physical development of infants and newborns of Russian cities: secular dynamics

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Mokhovaya st., 11, Moscow, 125009, Russia


Example 2. Authors from different institutions:

Fedotova T.K. 1), Gorbacheva A.K. 2)

Physical development of infants and newborns of Russian cities: secular dynamics

1) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Anuchin Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Mokhovaya st., 11, Moscow, 125009, Russia

2) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Anthropology, Leninskie Gory, 1(12), Moscow, 119234, Russia

** The title of the article should not be printed in capital (uppercase) letters.

5.3.2. Abstract in two languages (Rus и Eng) The summary should be a text that briefly but fully reflects the content of the article, structured according to sections, mandatory section headings: Materials and methods. Results. Discussion. Summary (abstract) includes the main essence of the introduction, goals and objectives (if it is unclear from the title of the work); materials and methods (describe them briefly if they are new or important as the object of the work done), results (discussions), conclusions (conclusions). The text of the abstract is given without general words, without statistical data (digital), without bibliographic references, if possible without special abbreviations (if any, then decipher once). The total length of the abstract should be at least 200 but no more than 300 words. English resume (Abstract) should be written according to international requirements. Any reader, English-speaking, in particular, should be able to clearly imagine the content of the article after reading the summary. Translations made by electronic translators are not accepted.

5.3.3. Keywords in two languages (Rus и Eng) 5–7 keywords should reflect the content of the article, include terms from the subject area and other important concepts related to the content of the work. Words are separated by semicolons and written with a lowercase letter; at the end of a paragraph with keywords, a period is NOT put. Keywords should reflect the content of the article, include terms from the subject area and other important concepts correlating with the content of the work. Since keywords are used on the Internet to search for materials relevant to the search query, the editorial board recommends using international thesauri to determine keywords, such as, for example, Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), subject headings of the US National Library of Medicine (MeSH), etc. It’s desirable to not include terms from the title of the article and abstracts.


Keywords: body height; secular trend; socioeconomic status; pubertal maturity; adolescents; China

Keywords: physical fitness; body composition; obesity; adolescents; reference standards

Keywords: secular trend; anthropometry; puberty; menopause; sport

5.4. The main text of the article

5.4.1. The main text of the article should contain all the key data, an accurate description of the details of the study and links to ensure reproducibility of the results. The main text contains references to publications that are directly related to the described material, research results and discussion (except for articles devoted to literary reviews), mainly over the past 10 years, as well as publications that have had a significant impact on the preparation of the study or determined its format.

5.4.2. Sections

The text should be well structured and divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (and/or Conclusions). Each of the sections should be provided with its own heading.

Scientific context (Introduction) – it is recommended to indicate the broader problem with which the research is connected in a brief preamble. The preamble helps the reader to understand what topic the article is about and decide whether to continue reading. The preamble is not equivalent to an analytical Bibliography review, which follows after brief introductory words, can be provided with a separate substantive title and ends with the formulation of the purpose of the study.

The section "Materials and methods" is highlighted: a description of the sample, schemes, research methods (a bibliographic link to the source with a description of the methodology is required), methods of data analysis (mathematical and statistical methods, computer programs). In the description of the Material, it is necessary to indicate the number of surveyed samples, the ethno-territorial and gender-age composition, the principles and procedure for the formation of samples (random selection or others). Instructions on compliance with the basic requirements in the field of human rights and current legislation are mandatory. The research described in the article should be carried out taking into account the requirements of bioethics, and this should be reflected in the text of the article. For example: "All materials were collected anonymously, in compliance with the rules of bioethics and signing protocols of informed consent. In accordance with the law on personal data, the data were depersonalized" or "The collection of biological material (venous blood) was carried out with the written informed consent of the subject under the supervision of the Ethical Commission of the Research Centre for Medical Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The research of museum collections must indicate the sources of information, the names of the collection or museum and the availability of appropriate permits.

The methods used and the equipment used (including the name of the manufacturer), as well as all other procedures should be described in as much detail as possible so that there is no doubt about the reproducibility of the results. In the description of standard methods, you can specify only the appropriate source or regulation without a detailed description. In the description of the new original method, it is recommended to describe in detail the tools, manipulations, approaches, so that they can also be reproduced by other researchers. Statistical procedures (descriptive statistics, methods of multivariate analysis), statistical indicators used, their confidence limits and the degree of probability that the hypotheses being tested are correct should be described in detail, and only those used in this article should be indicated. The phrases "... generally accepted methods were used" or "... standard methods of statistical processing of results were used" are not allowed in the text of the article.

The section "Results" (facts) should be separated from the section "Discussion" (interpretation).

The main text ends with the section "Conclusion and/or Conclusions".

5.4.3. References in the text An intra-text link (short) to the source is given in the text in square brackets. Each [reference] in the text necessarily leads to an item in the bibliography. The full in-text reference is given in the text in parentheses and is not given in the bibliography (see and The surname of the author(s) or the name of the source, as well as the year of publication, are indicated in square brackets. For example: [Bunak, 1949]. The information inside the in-text link is separated by a comma. For example: [Stefko, Ostrovsky, 1929] .If there are three or more authors, "with co-author" or "et al." is added, for example: [Kharitonova et al., 1998] or [Manner et al., 1997]. If the authors of the article have 2, then both are indicated. Different groups of information are separated by semicolons: [Deryabin, 1983; Hereditary diseases ... 2002]. Links should be in chronological order, first in Russian, then in a foreign language. For citations and for indirect citation (retelling in your own words), the page [Bauer, 1900, p. 75] or pages that were used for indirect citation [Bunak, 1941, p. 75-87] is indicated. When specifying the page range, there are no spaces before and after the dash, the numbers are preceded by a space: [Medem, 1905, pp. 21-22]. Works of one author(s) and one year are marked with a Russian (Cyrillic) or Latin letter (depending on the language of the article) at the year of publication, without a space after indicating the year: [Bauer, 1900a, 1900b], [Miller et al., 1967a, 1967b]. Too long a name can be shortened. For example: [A study of preschoolers ... 1999, p. 53]. A space is placed before and after the ellipsis replacing part of the name. The abbreviated names of different sources should not coincide with each other. If the source, for example, in an online publication, does not specify the year of publication: [Ivanov, without year]. If the text is quoted not from the original source, but from another document: [cit. by: Ivanov, 2003, p. 17]. If not a quote is given, but a mention of someone's views, thoughts, ideas, but not based on the original source: [Cited by: Ivanov, 2007, p. 111]. Links of the type "cit. software" and "is provided by" it is advisable not to use unless absolutely necessary.

5.4.3 In cases of using links to an electronic resource (sites) or to archival documents, a full intra-text link is used. The full in-text reference is given in the text in parentheses and is not given in the bibliography.

If a full link to an electronic resource is provided, then it is given in parentheses in the text.

Example of a full link in the text to a Russian-language website:

(Биологический факультет Московского государственного университета М.В. Ломоносова в Великой Отечественной войне, Электронный ресурс. URL:, дата обращения – 13.07.2018).

Example of a full link in the text to an English-language website:

(Available at: Accessed: 23.06.2019).

In the case when the authors refer to an article, monograph, etc., available in electronic form (scan, layout with pages), the link to the source is made in a standard way. If a reference is given to a document from the archive, then in the text it is given in full in parentheses.

Example of a full link in the text to a document from the archive:

(ЦГА г. Москвы. Ф. 239. Оп. 1. Д. 1. 1804. Л. 1 об.),

(РГИА. Ф. 759. Оп. 4. Д. 492 (I). 1806. Л. 91).

5.5. The optional component of the article

expression of appreciation, information about financial support for research (grants) is allocated to the "Acknowledgements" section, placed before the "Bibliography" section.

5.6. Bibliography

The bibliographic list is given in the form of two blocks (in Russian and in foreign languages).

The article contains only those references to publications that are directly related to the described material, research results and discussion (except for articles devoted to literary reviews), mainly over the past 10 years, as well as to publications that had a significant impact on the preparation of the study or determined its format.

5.6.1. General requirements for the design of the bibliography References are arranged alphabetically in each block (in Russian or in other foreign languages) If an article has more than 5 authors after the name of the fifth author "et al." is added. The initials of the authors are not separated by a space; a comma separates only the names of different authors; no comma is placed between surname and initials. If there are several works of one author(s), the references are arranged in chronological order, from early works to later ones. Works of one author(s) and one year are marked in alphabetical order with Latin letters: 2007a, 2007b. In this case, references in the text also contain a letter when indicating the year [Ivanov, 2007a, 2007b].

The rules for describing sources in Russian and in foreign languages are DIFFERENT! First, a block of links to Russian-language sources is given. Each link in this block is presented in two versions.

The first option is the original Russian–language link provided according to the Russian rules (according to GOST 2008)

For example:

Булочникова Е.В. «Землянки» и «краевые ямы» верхнепалеолитических стоянок Авдеево и Костёнки I // Вопросы антропологии, 1998. № 89. С. 72-78.


Then the second version of this link is given, including simplified transliteration made in the Latin alphabet, and translations into English of the title of the article (or book) and the name of the source (journal, collection).

In transliterated form: author/authors (no more than five surnames; first last name, then initials; without spaces between initials, without a comma between last name and initials; if there are more than five authors – remove the subsequent ones and after the last initials through a space give an explanation "et al."),

the title of the article, if it is Russian, should be given in transliterated form and further in square brackets without punctuation marks – the title of the article translated into English,

then through a dot (not through double slash!) italics with capital letters – the name of the journal (transliterated and followed by square brackets with capital letters – translated, as defined by the publisher of the journal),

further, separated by commas – year, volume (issue), number (if there is both a volume and a number, then the number is given in parentheses, and a space before the brackets), a range of pages with the specification "pp.". If there is a DOI, then specify the DOI after the dot. At the end of the bibliographic description of the Russian-language edition, after the dot in brackets: "(In Russ.).".

If the author's surname is already present in databases in its transliteration variant, then its variant is given in order to combine data on publications by the author's surname in international databases.).

The English translation of the title of the article (or monograph) and the name of the source (journal, collection, in italics) is given in square brackets.

The official translation of the titles of many articles and journals can be obtained from the database of the Scientific Electronic Library. If the journal is included in the Medline database, its abbreviated name in the English version should be given in accordance with the catalog of names of this database ( /). The translation must be professional. You can use the automatic translator with great care, editing the translated text in accordance with the scientific vocabulary in each field of science.

At the end of the bibliographic description, the digital identifier of the object (DOI) of the article, if any, is placed.

If bibliographic references to other types of publications are given, then see: Кириллова, О.В. Редакционная подготовка научных журналов по международным стандартам. Рекомендации эксперта БД Scopus. URL:


For example (for the same article transliteration will look like this):

Bulochnikova Е.В. «Zemlyanki» и «kraevye yamy» verkhnepaleoliticheskikh stoyanok Avdeevo и Kostyonki I [Earth-houses and boundary pits of the Upper Paleolithic sites of Avdeevo and Kostenki I]. Voprosy antropologii [Problems of Anthropology], 1998, 89, pp. 72-78. (In Russ.).



For the article:

Никитюк Б.А. Влияние наследственных и средовых факторов на некоторые функциональные показатели детей и подростков // Вопросы антропологии, 1977. Вып. 54. С. 23–41.

Nikityuk B.A. Vliyanie nasledstvennych i sredovych faktorov na nekotorye funkzional'nye pokazateli detey i podrostkov [Influence of hereditary and environmental factors on some functional indicators of children and adolescents]. Voprosy antropologii [Problems of Anthropology], 1977, 54, pp. 23-41. (In Russ.).


Миклашевская Н., В. Соловьева, Е. Година. Рост и развитие абхазских детей и подростков // Ростовые процессы у детей и подростков. М.: Изд-во Московского университета, 1988. С. 112-144.

Miklashevskaya N.N., V.S. Solov'eva, E.Z. Godina. Rost i razvitie abkhazskich detey i podrostkov [Growth and development of the Abkhazian children and adolescents]. In Rostovye prozessy u detey i podrostkov [Growth Processes in Children and Adolescents]. Moscow, MSU Publ., 1988, pp. 112-144. (In Russ.).

For the monograph (book/dissertation/abstract of the dissertation):

The author, then in italics – transliterated title of the book and in square brackets without italics – translated title of the book. Then after a comma–separated period - the city (translation), transliterated name of the publisher, year. Then, after a year, a "dot" is put. Then the number of pages with the specification "p." is indicated. If there is an ISBN, it is given at the end of the link. If the transliterated name of the publishing house does not indicate that it is a name, for example, "Science", then add "Publ.»).

Бунак В.В. Антропометрия. М.: Учпедгиз. 1941.

Bunak V.V. Antropometriya [Anthropometry]. Moscow, Uchpedgiz Publ., 1941. 368 p. (In Russ.).

Богушевский С.М. Динамика физического развития подростков ремесленных училищ и промышленных предприятий в послевоенный период: Автореф. дисс. ... канд. мед. наук, 1950, 16 с.

Bogushevskiy S.M. Dinamika fizicheskogo razvitiya podrostkov remeslennych uchilisch i promyshlennych predpriyatiy v poslevoennyy period [Dynamics of physical development of teenagers of vocational schools and the industrial enterprises during the post-war period] PhD in Medicine Thesis. Moscow, 1950. 16 p. (In Russ.).

For an archival source or an expedition report:

Смирнов К.Ф. Отчёт о работе Дагестанской археологической экспедиции в 1951 г. // Архив Института Археологии РАН г. Москвы. Р-1. № 604, 605.

Smirnov K.F. Otchyot o rabote Dagestanskoj arheologicheskoj ekspedicii v 1951 g. [Report on the work of the Dagestan archaeological expedition in 1951]. Archive of Institute of Archaeology RAS, R-1, 604, 605. Manuscript. (In Russ).

Акт № 192 от 11/07/1939 г. Научный архив НИИ и Музея антропологии МГУ.

Akt N 192 ot 11/07/1939 g. Nauchnyj arhiv NII i Muzeya antropologii MGU. [Act N 192 from 11/07/1939. Research archives of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of MSU]. (In Russ.)

Э№111/1-30. Научный архив этнографического фонда НИИ и Музея антропологии МГУ.

EN111/1-30. Nauchnyj arhiv ehtnograficheskogo fonda NII i Muzeya antropologii MGU. [EN111/1-30. Research archives of the ethnographic department of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of MSU]. (In Russ.)

For an electronic resource:

Приполярная перепись населения 1926-1927 гг. Электронный ресурс. URL: (дата обращения – 24.03.2020).

Dannye Territorial'nogo organa Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki po Kamchatskomu krayu. Available at: Accessed 24.03.2020. Rules for describing sources in foreign languages (References)

For the link to the article in the journal:

author / authors (no more than five surnames; first last name, then initials; without spaces between initials, without a comma between last name and initials; if there are more than five authors – remove the subsequent and after the last initials through a space to give an explanation "et al."); then through a dot (not through double slash!) in italics, with capital letters, all significant words – the name of the journal (if there is an official abbreviated name, then give it); then separated by commas – year, volume (issue), number (if there is both volume and number, then the number is given in parentheses, and before the brackets – a space); range of pages with by specifying "pp.". If there is a DOI, then specify the DOI after the dot.


For example:

Simsek Orhon F., Ulukol B., Baskan S. Secular trends in height, weight and body mass index of primary school children in Turkey between 1993 and 2016. J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab., 2017, 30 (11), pp. 1177-1186. DOI: 10.1515/jpem-2017-0189.

For the link to the book:

author / authors (no more than five surnames; first surname, then initials; without spaces between initials, without a comma between surname and initials; then in italics, with capital letters all significant words – the name of the work; then after a period separated by a comma – city, publishing house, year; then after the year put a "dot". Then the number of pages with the specification "p." is indicated. If there is an ISBN, it is given at the end of the link.


For example:

Tanner J.M. A History of the Study of Human Growth. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981. 345 p. Abbreviations in the Bibliography













pp. [There is a space after the dot]


Ed. or Eds.



And others

et al.

2 edition

2nd ed.

revised and expanded edition

Rev. ed.



Saint Petersburg 

St.Pb. [with dots]

5.7. List of signatures and notes (designations)

After the section "Bibliography" there is a section "List of signatures and notes (designations)" for tables, figures and illustrations, presented in two languages.

5.7.1. No dot is placed after the table name. Notes are given under the name of a table or figure (illustration).

For example:

Таблица 1. Численность детей, обследованных в 1987, 2006 и 2014 годах

Table 1. Number of children investigated in 1987, 2006 and 2014

Рисунок 1. Средние значения обхвата груди (см) в возрастных группах 10-17 лет мальчиков (А) и девочек (Б)

Figure 1. Growth curves of chest circumference (cm) in boys (A) and girls (B)

5.7.2. All designations, abbreviations and abbreviations, highlighting in a different font are necessarily explained in the notes. A period is placed at the end of the notes. The title in Russian is "Notes", even if there is only one note.

For example:

Примечания. Уровень достоверности различий: * – p < 0,05; ** – p < 0,01; *** – p < 0,000.

Notes. Significance of differences: * – p < 0,05; ** – p < 0,01; *** – p < 0,001.


Примечания. 1 – Костёнки 1, 1 сл., комплекс II (цит. по: Абрамова, 2010). 2 – Авдеево, «старый» объект. 3, 5 – Авдеево, «новый» объект (2, 3, 5 – по: Gvozdover, 1995).

Notes. 1 – Kostenki 1, 1st layer, complex II (Abramova, 2010). 2 – Avdeevo, «old» object. 3, 5 – Avdeevo, «new» object (2, 3, 5 – Gvozdover, 1995).

5.8. Tables and Figures

5.8.1. The presence of tables and illustrations in the text file of the article is not allowed.

5.8.2. Tables and figures should not duplicate each other informatively. One form of data presentation should be chosen. An acceptable option is a chart with an embedded table (MS Office).

5.8.3. In the text of the article, the abbreviations "fig." and "tab." are given only in brackets and are typed with spaces after a full stop: (fig. 1), (tab. 2). In the text, the reference to the figure or table is written in full. For example: Figure 2 presents data ...; Table 3 summarizes ...

5.8.4. Abbreviations are not used unless absolutely necessary; it is advisable to write all words in full; hyphens are not used. All terms (including previously introduced abbreviations in the text) must be deciphered in the notes under all figures and tables, despite possible repetitions.

5.8.5. Tables should have a serial number in the order of mentioning in the text of the article, the names of the tables and the corresponding (if necessary) notes to each table are placed in the text after the references in the section "List of figures and tables captions and notes" in both Russian and English. When creating a table, it is recommended to use the capabilities of Word or Excel. Tables typed manually (with a lot of spaces, without using cells) are not used. An en dash (–), not a hyphen (-) is used in empty table cells and for dashes. The font of the text of the tables should be Times New Roman, the font size for the main part of the table - 10 pt, for the headings - 9 pt. The maximum table width is 160 mm. The maximum height is 200 mm. If the table is larger than the indicated sizes, it is submitted in several parts. The number of decimal places should be the same for values of the same name. Minus is not separated by a space from a negative number: -4.35 Be sure to indicate the units of measurement of indicators. The unit of measurement common to all numerical data is given in the title of the table. Main headings and subheadings in the table start with a capital letter.

For example:


Age, years

1980’s data



Body height (cm)


















5,43 Particularly cumbersome tables (consisting of several continuing parts) can be given as an appendix after the main text of the article. Each table should be presented as a separate file. Places in the text of the article, in which the tables should be are marked with words "place of Table 1" etc. Photo tables and tables that have been converted to image files (*.bmp, *.png, etc.) are not accepted. To indicate differences in the data presented in the tables, you can use the following signs and symbols *, **, ***, etc.

5.8.6. Illustrations for the article must be submitted as graphic files TIFF (*.tiff) or JPG (*.jpg) with a resolution of 300 dpi (for colour images) and 600 dpi (for black and white images) and image width of no more than 160 mm (maximum width of the page). All types of images are called "Figure". The number of illustrations should be minimal. The article should contain references to all illustrations. Figures should have a serial number in the order of mentioning in the text of the article (illustrations are numbered separately from tables). Places in the text of the article, in which the figures should be are marked with the words “Place fig. 1". All images are submitted as separate files. Besides that:

Graphs and diagrams should not include their titles and should be provided with separate titles placed in the section " List of figures and tables captions and notes".

Figures must be of high quality and do not require additional editing, including resizing. The recommended figure width is 85 mm. Do not overload pictures with numerous inscriptions, comments - it is better to use notes.

Diagrams, graphs, schemes can be in colour, but provided that in black and white (for example, when printing) there is no loss of information and all elements of the drawing remain well distinguishable.

On ultramicroscopic photographs, the scale must be indicated. For micrographs, the total magnification or magnification of the eyepiece and objective should be provided in the notes with an explanation of the symbols, the method of processing histological material or other preparations made.

The axes of the graphs should be named. The numbers presented in the figures should not be repeated in the main text of the article. All special symbols must be deciphered in the notes. If special symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used in the drawings, all of them must be deciphered in the notation, indicated in the notes in the captions to this figure or made as a separate image file in the form of a figure.

Electronic copies of drawings, diagrams, graphs, micrographs, electronic micrographs should be submitted as separate files.

5.9. Information about the Authors

After the bibliography, insert a small section in two languages. For each author, the full surname, first name, patronymic, academic title (if any), academic degree (if any), identification number in the ORCID system (ORCID ID) and email address are indicated. You can get an ORCID ID after registering on the website:

For example:

Сведения об авторах

Хомякова Ирина Анатольевна, к.б.н.; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2811-2034;;

Година Елена Зиновьевна, проф., д.б.н.; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0692-420X;

Information about Authors

Khomiakova Irina Anatolievna, PhD; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2811-2034;;

Godina Elena Zinovievna, professor, PhD, DSc.; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0692-420X;

5.10. Rules for working with the text after the review

After receiving the reviewer's comments, the author must submit two files:

1) "Reply to the reviewer" with detailed answers to ALL the remarks and comments of the reviewer;

2) The corrected version of the manuscript with the corrections and additions made, highlighted in color (you can give this file some formal name: e.g., Godina-rev.doc). It is strictly forbidden to use editing mode!!!

The editorial board sends these files to the reviewer and, if a positive response is received, sends the corrected version of the manuscript for editing.