ISSN: 2074-8132
Introduction. Identifying kinship relationships fr om skeletal remains is among the various objectives of bioarchaeological studies. This article focuses on reviewing the methods used to analyze biological kinship in human fossil populations through non-metric traits.
Methods. Since direct molecular-genetic analysis of kinship is often highly challenging due to the poor preservation of ancient DNA, special attention in such studies is given to nonmetric phenotypic traits.
Results. Research with osteological samples that have been documented provides compelling evidence that the level of morphological similarity between individuals is directly related to their degree of biological kinship. In cases wh ere the pedigrees of osteological materials are fully or partially known, phenotypic data can be effectively used in lieu of genetic information.
Discussion. The methodology developed for kinship analysis depends on the internal spatial structure of the cemetery being studied. When analyzing small burial sites, the aim is to determine if the people buried there are close relatives. Various methods are used in these analyses, including different techniques for determining the likelihood of kinship, cluster analysis, and correlation coefficients. Identifying kinship is most promising in burial sites where archaeological or historical indicators of biological relationships are present. Kinship analysis in spatially structured cemeteries is aimed at identifying families or social groups. The analysis of uniformly distributed cemeteries focuses on identifying closely related individuals in large burials without clearly defined subgroups. This involves spatial correlation analysis, which tests for significant correlation between the matrix of spatial distances and the matrix of phenotypic distances; various counting methods to test for non-random clustering of traits; the nearest neighbor method; and a non-spatial block search procedure that simultaneously identifies presumed relatives and the traits that indicate the degree of their kinship.
Conclusion. Many problems in establishing kinship can be overcome with the availability of skeletal material accompanied by verified genealogical data. Unfortunately, skeletal remains with preserved documentation are quite rare, limiting the opportunities to study the inheritance of non-metric traits and the morphological similarity of biologically related individuals.
© 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. The formation of the gene pool of modern Khakas people occurred through the interaction of various groups of ancient inhabitants of the Minusinsk Basin. This article is focused on the inter-group analysis of craniological series representing different Khakassian subethnic groups.
Materials and Methods. The cranial series of the Kachins, Koibals, Sagais, and Beltirs was studied using the battery of 36 cranial non-metric characteristics. The obtained data was compared with data on other populations of Southern and Western Siberia: Shors, Tuvans, Telengits, Selkups, Khants, and Mansis. The analysis of the biological diversity of populations was carried out using Smith's mean measure of divergence (MMD) followed by multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis.
Results. The Kachins are the most distant from the other Khakas subethnic groups, forming a cluster with the Telengits and Tuvans. The Koibals and Beltirs were positioned quite close to the Shors. The Sagais occupied a separate position in the Khakas cluster, presumably due to a greater proportion of Europoid admixture compared to other Khakas groups. The pooled Khakas sample shares similar cranial non-metric characteristics with Turkic-speaking ethnic groups of Southern Siberia: Shors, Telengits, and Tuvans.
Discussion. The nature of phenetic differentiation of the Khakas sub-ethnic groups presumably reveals their complex population history. The position of the Kachins outside the Khakas cluster based on non-metric traits resulted from specificity of their phenofund, which is also supported by molecular genetic data. The similarity in the phenofund of the Khakas groups to those of the Tuvans and Telengits may result from gene flow between Khakas populations and the peoples of Southern Siberia or/and from their common episodes in their ethnogenesis. The similarity between pooled Khakassian sample and the Shors presumably suggests involvement of common genetic components in the gene pools of these peoples, which is consistent with molecular genetic data.
Conclusion. The correspondence of the obtained results with genetic data suggests the possibility of using cranial non-metric traits to identify genetic relationships between ancient populations in the absence of direct genetic information. © 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. Left-handedness is a complex biological and social phenomenon influenced by genetic, neurobiological, and cultural factors. Associated with the functional asymmetry of the brain, it can affect cognitive processes, perception, and behavior.
Materials and methods. This article examines various theories on the origin and persistence of left-handedness polymorphism, drawing on data from anthropological, neurobiological, and genetic studies, as well as analyses of archaeological findings and the cultural practices of ancient hominids.
Results and discussion. Anthropological studies indicate that the frequency of left-handedness in human populations ranges from 10% to 25%, with geographical variations influenced by social and cultural factors. In ancient societies, right-handedness was the dominant trait, as confirmed by archaeological evidence, while left-handedness was rare but present. Historically, left-handedness was often viewed as a deviation from the norm, leading to stigmatization and limited social opportunities for left-handed individuals. The prevalence of left-handedness is linked to three groups of factors: pathological, social, and genetic. It has been shown that left-handedness is associated with functional brain asymmetry and can influence cognitive processes, perception, and behavior. The heritability of left-handedness is estimated to be approximately 24%. Genome-wide association studies of handedness have identified 41 genetic variants associated with left-handedness and 7 variants associated with ambidexterity; the involved genes also regulate the development and function of the central nervous system. Genetic variants predisposing to left-handedness may contribute to some associations between left-handedness and certain psychiatric disorders. However, the widespread polymorphism of left-handedness and the relative stability of its frequency in human populations over long periods have led to hypotheses about its maintenance through various forms of negative frequency-dependent selection.
Conclusion. The anthropological study of the mechanisms underlying left-handedness helps to address questions about the evolution of the human brain and societal development, providing valuable insights into both the biological and social aspects of human individuality. © 2025. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license