ISSN: 2074-8132
The catalog of the collection of copies of fossil finds of the genus Homo, which is kept in the Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University, is presented in this article. The publication will be useful for researchers to sel ect research materials.
Materials and methods. The documents of the archive of the Museum of Anthropology of MSU were used to work on the article. Analytical and chronological research methods were applied in the study.
Results and discussion. Brief information on the history of the collection formation. The section contains data on the sources of replenishment of the collection, the names of the scientists who handed over the items are named. The collection of copies of fossil bones is divided into parts that combine items that came fr om the same source and at the same time.
Catalog of collections. A short catalog of collections of copies of Homo finds of the Museum of Anthropology is presented in the table. The finds are listed in alphabetical order, the division into geographical regions and chronological periods was not carried out.
Conclusion. The catalog of copies of finds of representatives of the genus Homo, stored in the Museum of Anthropology of MSU, is presented in this article. A catalog of finds of other systematic groups of the Primates order will be compiled and published in the near future. © 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Natural science museum collections are an important source of materials for scientific research. The Museum of Anthropology has a collection of casts from paleontological finds of primates. This catalog has never been published before. This work contains information about the composition and history of the formation of the collection.
Materials and methods. Documents from the Archive of the Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University and articles in journals became the basis for writing this work. Analytical and chronological research methods were applied in the study.
Results and discussion. The section "Brief information on the history of the formation of the collection" contains information about the sources of replenishment of the paleoprimatological collection, the names of the scientists who transferred the items, the geography of receipts are given. The items were combined into collections on the grounds that they came from the same source at the same time.
The "Collection catalog" is represented by a table. The finds are divided by geological periods, listed in alphabetical order within the period.
Conclusion. A catalog of casts of finds of representatives of the order Primates (excluding the genus Homo) is presented in the article. In the course of working with the documents, we discovered that not all the accompanying papers were preserved. Work on reconstructing the history of the receipt of paleontological casts of primates will continue. © 2023. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Introduction. In 2023, Russian science celebrated the 140th anniversary of the birth of D.N. Anuchin, a scientist-encyclopedist and prominent specialist in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, geography, archaeology, and a promoter and popularizer of science.
Materials and methods. Literary sources were used. Analytical and chronological research methods were applied in the study.
Results and discussion. The section "Childhood and Youth" provides information about the scientist's life, his parents, wife, and children. D.N. received a good home education and entered the second grade of a gymnasium. In 1860, he enrolled in the Faculty of History and Philology at St. Petersburg University. Due to illness in 1861, he had to interrupt his studies and travel abroad for treatment. In 1863, Anuchin entered the Natural Sciences Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University, specializing in zoology. The section "Young Specialist" is dedicated to Anuchin's life in the first years after graduating from university. It was only in 1871 that Anuchin was elected to the position of scientific secretary of the Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants. This period marks the first scientific publications by Anuchin in the collections "Nature." In 1876, his first major anthropological monograph on the Ainu people was published. In late 1876, D.N. was sent abroad by the university to prepare for the establishment of a new chair in anthropology. The section "Formation of Scientific Interests" shows how Anuchin's scientific interests were shaped, as the author of about 600 works on ethnic anthropology, anthropogenesis, paleontology, ethnography, primitive archaeology, physical geography, country studies, and the history of science. In the next article, the authors plan to examine D.N. Anuchin's scientific and organizational activities. © 2024. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Introduction. In 2023, the 140th anniversary of Dmitry Nikolaevich Anuchin was celebrated. Anuchin's scientific and pedagogical activities are inextricably linked with Moscow University. This article is devoted to the life and scientific activity of this outstanding Russian scientist.
Materials and Methods. Literary sources were used. Analytical and chronological research methods were applied in the study.
Results and Discussion. The material of the article is presented in sections: “Work in OLEAE[1]”, “Scientific Activity”, “Pedagogical Activity”, “Educational Activity” and “Organizational Activity”. Anuchin has made significant contributions to anthropology, ethnology, geography and archaeology, and has written more than 600 scientific papers, including reviews and overviews. He actively participated in the work of the Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography (OLEAE), he
held the positions of secretary and president in different years. His reports were important sources of information, especially concerning Japan in the context of the Russian-Japanese war. As a teacher, Anuchin founded the Departments of Anthropology and Geography at Moscow University and developed new training courses. This contributed to the reform of the teaching of geography and anthropology in Russia. Anuchin's educational activities were expressed not only in publishing articles in popular publications, but also in financing the opening of libraries in his parents' native villages. These libraries have become cultural centers for local residents. Anuchin organized the creation of new scientific journals: "Earth Science" and «Russian Anthropological Journal». He also created an Anthropological and Geographical Museum in Moscow. After the October Revolution, he continued his active work in scientific communities, and initiated the creation of the Institute of Anthropology and the Institute of Geography.
Conclusion. Anuchin's name is immortalized in plaques, street names and geographical objects, including a crater on the Moon. This indicates the great importance of this Person for science. Dmitry Nikolaevich is buried at the Vagankovsky Cemetery in Moscow. His grave is recognized as an object of cultural heritage. The article highlights the importance of Anuchin's legacy and encourages the younger generation of scientists to study his achievements and ideas. © 2025. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license